Monday, November 29, 2010

Daily Game Nov 29 - GunBlood

This is a battle life or death battle. Only one will be left standing.

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Daily Game Nov 29 - GunBlood

This is a battle life or death battle. Only one will be left standing.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Daily Game Nov 28 - Truck Toss

Prove your driving skills in this fun truck racing game.

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Daily Game Nov 28 - Truck Toss

Prove your driving skills in this fun truck racing game.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Daily Game Nov 27 - Snail Bob

Get Bob home (safely).

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Daily Game Nov 27 - Snail Bob

Get Bob home (safely).

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Daily Game Nov 26 - Extreme Rally 2

Drive your car as fast as you can in this extreme rally racing game.

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Daily Game Nov 26 - Extreme Rally 2

Drive your car as fast as you can in this extreme rally racing game.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daily Game Nov 25 - Prizma Puzzle 3

Collect all the stars for energy, but calculate your moves or you'll have nowhere to go.

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Daily Game Nov 25 - Prizma Puzzle 3

Collect all the stars for energy, but calculate your moves or you'll have nowhere to go.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Game Nov 24 - Fury Officer 2

Defeat and avenge all the bad guys!

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Daily Game Nov 24 - Fury Officer 2

Defeat and avenge all the bad guys!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Bermuda Triangle

The region of western Atlantic Ocean that has become associated in the popular imagination with mysterious maritime disasters, Also known as the Deadly Triangle or Devil's Triangle, has been blamed for hundreds of plane crashes, shipwrecks, mysterious disappearances, craft instrument malfunctions and other unexplained phenomena. The triangle-shaped area covers about 1,140,000 sq km (about 440,000 sq mi) between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida, and Puerto Rico. The sinister reputation of the Devil’s Triangle may be traceable to reports made in the late 15th century by Christopher Columbus (navigator) concerning the Sargasso Sea, in which floating masses of gulfweed were regarded as uncanny and perilous by early sailors. In the mid-19th century, a number of reports were made of unexplained disappearances and mysteriously abandoned ships. The earliest recorded disappearance of a United States vessel in the area occurred in March 1918, when the USS Cyclops vanished.
In December 1945, Flight 19 training squadron of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers disappeared. The squadron left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with 14 crewmen and disappeared after radioing a series of distress messages, a seaplane sent in search of the squadron also disappeared. Aircraft that have disappeared in the area since this incident include a DC-3 carrying 27 passengers in 1948 and a C-124 Globemaster with 53 passengers in 1951. In 1963, a tanker ship Marine Sulphur Queen have disappeared which vanished with 39 men aboard.
Ivan T. Sanderson (zoologist & UFO researcher) said, "Tremendous hot and cold currents crossing the most active zones might create the electromagnetic gymnastics named as "vile vortices", affecting instruments and vehicles." And the Bermuda Triangle wasn't the only place on earth where this occurred. Sanderson drew out elaborate charts on which he identified 10 such locations precisely distributed around the globe, five above, and five below at equal distances from the equator.
 The Coast Guard over 30 years ago, Proposed a Magnetic Variation theory states: "The majority of disappearances can be attributed to the area's unique environmental features. First, the "Devil's Triangle" is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north. Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble.”

MacGregor and Bruce Gernon in their book “The Fog” asserted that an “electronic fogis responsible for many incidents and disappearances in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Gernon himself is a first-hand witness and survivor of this strange phenomenon. On December 4, 1970, he and his dad were flying their Bonanza A36 over the Bahamas. On route to Bimini they encountered strange cloud phenomena - a tunnel-shaped vortex - the sides of which the plane's wings scraped as they flew. All of the plane's electronic and magnetic navigational instruments failed and the magnetic compass spun inexplicably. As they neared the end of the tunnel, they expected to see clear blue sky. Instead, they saw only a dull grayish white for miles - no ocean, sky or horizon. After flying for 34 minutes, a time corroborated by every clock on board, they found themselves over Miami Beach, a flight that normally would have taken 75 minutes.
Dr. Kenneth McAll (psychiatrist) believed the area may be haunted by the spirits of the many African slaves who had been thrown overboard on their voyage to America. In his book, “Healing the Haunted” he wrote of his strange experiences while sailing in these waters, "As we drifted gentle in the now warm and steamy atmosphere, I became aware of a continuous sound like mournful singing, I thought it must be a record player in the crew's quarters and as it continued through a second night, I finally, in exasperation, went below to ask if it could be stopped. However, the sound down there was the same as it was everywhere else and the crew was equally mystified." He later learned how in the 18th century, British sea captains defrauded insurance companies by tossing slaves into the ocean to drown, then cashing in on a claim for them.


The word Sufi is derived from the Arabic word 'suf' which means ' wool ' and refers to the coarse woolen robes that were worn by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and by his close companions. The goal of a Sufi is none other than Allah (God) Himself. There are signs of Allah everywhere in the universe and in man himself. Man is the mystery of Allah for a mysterious purpose and Sufism is a mystic tradition of Islam. Sufism helps man to be increasingly aware of his purpose of life namely, unfailing service to his Lord and Creator. It is a path travelled under the guidance of a Sufi master, who is able to deliver man from the narrow confines of the material world into the limitless reality of a spiritual life, wherein he can experience the Divine spark which eternally shines within him. The Shaykh, or the Sufi teacher, interprets the dreams of a disciple, helps him to understand his inspirations, and resolves his doubts and uncertainties.
Sufism really has its roots in the Qur'an itself and in the religious experience of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The preliminary signs of revelation were given to the Prophet (pbuh) in the form of visions and the Prophet (pbuh) deliberately sought solitude until the book of his heart, which was pure and unspoiled by schoolmen, was opened and the Divine Pen engraved upon it the revelation, the Qur'an. The Sufi's knowledge of Allah comes from the Qur'an directly. The undisputed basis of their direct experience of Allah has always been the Qur'an. The Qur'an contains instructions suitable to man with varying levels of spirituality. It satisfies those who are content with merely exoteric practices, but also contains the deepest and most profound esoteric meaning for those who desire a closer, more mystical relationship with Allah. The Prophet (pbuh) kept long night vigils and practised voluntary fasts during most days. He never ate barley bread (the staple food of his day) on three consecutive days, and he never even touched a loaf of wheat bread -- which was a luxury. One of his favorite sayings was "Poverty is my pride," and this saying came to be quoted in every manual of Sufi doctrine, making the rule of poverty a basic characteristic of Sufi life.
The Sufis live with an ever increasing awareness of Allah. One aspect of this awareness is the practice of Zikr. It means 'remembering Allah. Usually by pronouncing His name or by uttering a number of recognized formulae. The Qur'an repeatedly admonishes believers to celebrate the praises of Allah and to do this often. For remembering the name of Allah brings satisfaction and comfort to man's heart. The following verse of the Qur'an exposes the significance of Zikr:
"Recite that which has been revealed to you of the scripture, and observe prayer. For prayer restrains one from lewdness and iniquity, but remembrance of Allah is the greatest virtue."
Sufism is an esoteric doctrine transmitted by word of mouth, and sometimes without even a spoken or written word, by an authorized teacher (Shaykh) to a disciple, and from disciple to another disciple, in confidence. These secret instructions are acted upon by a disciple with perfect faith in the teacher. The disciple gives a report of his condition and experience in confidence to his teacher and receives another set of instructions most suitable to his state. It is only the writings of the Sufi teachers, who speak from within the tradition, that allow an outsider a glimpse of the inner beauty of Sufism. One of the greatest scholars of all times was al-Ghazzali. He wrote his famous work The Revival of the Sciences of Religion in Arabic, with an abridged form, The Alchemy of Happiness, in Persian. These works were followed by the other writings and poetry by such Sufi teachers as Abdul-Karim al-Jili, Ibn Arabi, Suhrawardi, the famous Chishti, Hafiz, Sadi, Rumi and so many other Sufi poets.

The first and foremost requirement for Suluk (the spiritual journey) is the purification of the soul. The process Suluk is generally a long and difficult one. It consists of the three stages.

1) Overcome Nafs al-ammara: Tendency in man to disobey Allah and to take pleasure in evil deed and thought is called Nafs al-ammara (carnal soul). This inclines man towards gossip, backbiting, pride, jealousy, selfishness, vain talk, lust, and hatred. The struggle to overcome nafs al-ammara involves the purifying of the body, tongue, mind and heart.

2) When disciple has subjugated the nafs al-ammara, the Sufi enters upon the second stage of Suluk in which he is able to respond readily to the call of the reproaching soul which is called nafs al-lawwama (reproaching soul). It is the nafs al-lawwama which reproaches man for his evil deeds and impels him to acts of mercy and generosity.

3) After this stage Sufi enters the third stage which is known as Nafs al-mutma'inna (contented soul). In this stage, the Sufi develops the tendency to obey Allah and to act in perfect harmony with His commandments. Here the soul is reconciled with all other stations of the path, such as poverty, patience, gratitude and trust in Allah. Here the soul finds perfect satisfaction in being governed by the heart, the Divine spark in man. Here the Sufi becomes truly free from fear and grief.

As Allah said in the Qur'an,

"Lo, indeed, the friends of Allah have no fear, nor are they grieved."
The various stages on the mystical path are known as maqamat (stations), which can be reached by any Sufi by means of prayer, meditation, fasting and the hal (mystical state). A Sufi may be blessed by an experience which reveals to his soul the reality of the whole universe, from the lowest layer of earth to the highest heaven. This experience is called mi'raj (ascension).
In the mystical experience, one of the important phase is attained by the Grace of Allah by a disciple on the mystical path is the state of fana fi Allah (extinction of the self in Allah), which is the transition to the state of baqa billah (eternal life in union with Allah). By passing away from self, the individual does not cease to exist, but is permitted to enjoy the supreme mystical experience in union with Allah. He is fully absorbed into the Love of Allah which gives him an everlasting awareness of the all-pervading presence of Allah.


This article concerns particularly the process of the Confucianism transformation from a philosophy of life into an ideology and religion that have determined the features of recent moral education in China. Its aim is to expose the hidden essence of Chinese education through an ideology. Thus, it seeks to understand the ideological aspects of moral education in order to remove its mystical shell. In a word, politics appears as a sheer instrument or tool as doe’s morality which once was regarded as the scope of human life. It is sought only when politics and technology are overwhelmed by human problems. Thus, to tackle this problem, we need to look deeply into moral education, i.e., policy, method of teaching and learning, and finally the way of applying moral principles to individual and social life. Present Chinese policy in moral education, it is noted that citizen-education differs from moral education. Today they are almost synonymous in educational practice. Such other terms as national education and patriotic education have more or less the same meaning. The purposes of moral education articulated by the authorities are to promote perfection in education, harmony in society and culture, economic prosperity and democracy in politics.
After Confucius, the belief that morality is the metaphysical principle of politics became undoubted, unquestioned and unchallenged dogma. This transformed Chinese culture into a moral culture and Chinese politics into the moral art of governing (Wang-dao). Peace and prosperity, humanity and love, order and rites are possible only if we possess morality. This dogma was so forceful and fateful that Confucians and Neo-Confucians have done no more than interpret and rearrange it in various manners. Chu-Hsi (1130-1200) for example, rearranged the text and placed ‘the investigation of things’ in the first place, while Wang Yang-ming (1422-1529) insisted on the correction of the mind and sincerity of will as the most important principles.
By Confucianism, we understand the theories or doctrines based on the teachings of Confucius, Mencius, etc., and systematically developed into the philosophical school named for Confucius. Many scholars have complained that a great number of Confucians have distorted the original teaching of Confucius. See, for example, the article of Roger Ames and David L. Hall, "Getting it Right, on Saving Confucius from the Confucians,"
An intellectual, political, and religious tradition, or school of thought, that developed a distinct identity in the 5th century bc from the teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius. In Chinese the name for this tradition is Rujia, meaning “School of the Scholars.” Confucianism advocates reforming government, so that it works for the people’s benefit. Confucianism began in China, but it spread from there to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

(551 or 552-479 bc), Chinese philosopher and educator, one of the most important individuals in Chinese history, and one of the most influential figures in world history. His name in Chinese is Kongzi

(371-289 bc), Chinese philosopher, who is also known as Mengzi, or Meng-tzu. He was born in Chao (now in Shandong Province). He believed that the power to govern comes from God and should be exercised in the interests of the common people. In his teachings he stressed the belief that people are by nature good, but that this goodness becomes manifest only when they experience peace of mind, which in turn depends on material security. If rulers, therefore, reduce their subjects to poverty and selfishness, they should be deposed. Since the 11th century Mencius has been recognized as one of China's greatest philosophers; the Mencius (Book of Mencius) is regarded as a basic Confucian text.

Endangered Species

When we hear, "Wildlife", we think of a grassy field with deer, or an open plain with elephants, giraffes, and zebras, maybe a frozen, snowy mountain terrain with a bunch of moose or elk. This is what would spring to mind for most people as soon as they hear the term "wildlife", but have we ever pictured our own back yard? In cities there are at least some animals such as squirrels, rabbits, and birds. Nature has always helped in flourishing the mankind. But this isn't about what nature gives to you, it’s what we, as a human being give back in return. Are we concerned about nature? Does saving the endangered species and taking necessary actions for those who are on the brink of extinction means something to us? Then join hands with the wildlife organizations to save mother Earth!

 There are many other ways that humans and the wildlife are connected other than just the earth that we share. Every house and building we humans build has a significant impact on every animal that lives in the surrounding vicinity of about 10 or I5 miles. The reason for this is that when you destroy one animal's home, all the animals that prey on this animal may go hungry for a day because this animal will either move away to find a new home, or it will die because it doesn't have shelter. This article is about three endangered species.
The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family. It is the world’s most threatened animals. Today, the giant panda's future remains uncertain. As China's economy continues rapidly developing, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads.

Red Panda, also called lesser panda or bear cat, a reddish-brown mammal, similar in size to a large domestic cat, with thick fur and a long tail. Discovered 48 years before the giant panda, the Chinese name for the red panda literally translates as “fire fox.” Red pandas inhabit cool temperate bamboo forests in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in China, in the Himalayas and Myanmar. Sharing bamboo forests with giant pandas in parts of their range, red pandas are suffering from the same effects of habitat destruction, with a 40-percent population decrease in China during the last 50 years.
Okapi or forest giraffe, a member of the giraffe family found in the inaccessible rain forests of northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and western Uganda. The okapi lives a secluded life and it was not discovered until 1900. It is considered rare, but too little information exists about the okapi to classify it as threatened or endangered. The okapi has a long, flexible blue-black tongue that it uses to rip leaves from branches. It has large, dark eyes and large, wide ears. The short, soft hair is reddish brown to black with large, white stripes on the front legs and flanks.

Global Warming

Global warming or climate change means measurable increases in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, landmasses and oceans. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases retain the heat provided to Earth by the Sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere.
There are many misconceptions about global warming. Some believe that pollution causes global warming, but the fact is global warming is the result of burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil that release carbon dioxide. Another misconception is nuclear power causes climate change. Nuclear power actually reduces emissions of carbon dioxide when used in place of coal. Some believe that global warming means that it will become warmer all over. The name is misleading because in some places, it will actually become colder. The majority of scientists believe global warming is a process underway and that it is human-induced. Global warming is threatening our existence. The whole world is speaking about it. Governments are spending billions on closely monitoring and watching climate change. The modern world and its mind thinks and looks to solution to every problem through the same binocular, which is the cause for the present state of the world.
The world faces serious threats from unchecked global warming. Cities and villages, farms and forests, coastlines and mountains will experience the impacts of climate change in different ways. Our scientific understanding of why and how global warming occurs is very good, but predicting future impacts of climate change at regional and local levels is much more difficult.
Everyone fears the effects of global warming. The main effects that are feared to happen are the melting of the glaciers and the drying of the rain forest. The melting of the glaciers would raze the ocean so much that it would put five miles from the shore under water.  Storms would become more frequent. There would be less rainfall in numerous places with the result of the deaths of many crops and the types of storms would include hurricanes and tornadoes of immense power. The extreme changes in the weather and environment would put a lot of species into extinction. The human race would even have trouble surviving.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Obama calls India creator of US jobs, not poacher...!

President Barack Obama embraced India as the next jobs-creating giant for hurting Americans, not a cheap-labor rival that outsources opportunity from the United States.
"For America, this is a jobs strategy," Obama said of his emphasis on trade, although it could stand as a motto for his 10-day trip. Obama directly said the belief in the U.S. that India is robbing Americans of jobs. He admitted that many Americans only know trade and global commerce as the source of a job shipped overseas.
Obama said, "We visit here to send a very clear message that in our determination to give our people a future of security and prosperity, the United States and India stand united," Obama said from an outdoor plaza, the soaring Gateway of India and the Arabian Sea behind him. "We'll never forget."